BJJ Fundamentals Lesson 1: Basic Self-Defense Series Intro
Concepts: Action/Reaction Drill Principle of Base Explain Principles of Framing Power of the hips (how to lift partner) Techniques:...
BJJ Fundamentals Lesson 2: Basic Self-Defense Series Intro
Warm-up – Repeat Parts of Lesson 1 Partner Breakfall/Technical Stand-up drill Push and get up with low kicks and run around pa...
BJJ Fundamentals Lesson 3: Front Body-lock Defense, Mount Escape, Guard Attacks
Warm-Up Bodylock Over-The-Arms from Front to Knee Bump or O-Goshi Recovering the Guard from Side-Control Torreando Pass Hip Bump Swe...
BJJ Fundamentals Lesson 4: Front Bodylock Defence, Side Control Escape, Guard Attacks
Front Bodylock Defence, Side Control Escape, Guard Attacks Bodylock Over The Arms Side Control – Recovering the Guard Hip bump...